A Government Planning Inspector's ruling against West Oxfordshire District Council opens the way for 77 dwellings at Eynsham Nursery & Plant Centre Old Witney Road. The ruling appears on this page (opens in new window).
Key considerations in the Inspector's decision follow:
WODC could not demonstrate a five year supply of deliverable housing sites;
39 of the proposed dwellings would be affordable housing;
allowing this appeal would neither entirely, or significantly, prevent any ‘West Eynsham’ scheme from coming forward.
In mitigation, Eynsham Parish Council had requested £75,000 towards the play area off Witney Road, £65,000 towards traffic calming measures, £110,000 towards a new cemetery and £20,000 towards revision of the Neighbourhood Plan.
These proposals were all dismissed and the appellant has been granted costs in relation to to the second reason for refusal (that a better scheme may come forward in the future). You can read the background in this earlier report.