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Keen to tell everyone about it? 3 Jan 2024 Appropriate use of Eynsham's noticeboards

Eynsham Parish Council is pleased that our patch is such a vibrant place with a community that bristles with activities, organisations, clubs, groups and local events. All of this activity requires promoting to the residents and we find that our parish noticeboards are well used.

Seven noticeboards in the village are the responsibility of the Parish Council. We are always keen to make sure there is enough space for everyone who needs it, in addition to having an area to share our own legal notices and news.  

These noticeboards are at Back Lane Car Park, the Bartholomew Room, Mill Street, the Village Hall, Hazeldene/Bitterell, Witney Road and Market Square. Some of these have a locked compartment for sole use of the Parish Council and a public section for use by all, while others are completely reserved for public use.

Our advice for use, displayed on each board, is that notices should not be posted more than 14 days before an event and should be removed no more than 7 days after. All notices should be a maximum size of A5 to allow plenty of space for others, and there should not be any commercial advertising nor business cards affixed to the board.

We’d encourage residents to use the noticeboards as per the advice whenever they have notices to share as the alternative, fly-posting, is illegal. This term refers to posters being put up without the permission of the person who owns the property or structure, for example, a poster stuck onto a lamp post or the side of a building. We would encourage residents to report incidents to the District Council by calling 01993 861020.

If residents are seeking more places to share messages, news or announcements with the community, we would suggest asking the permission of some of our local business, such as the Market Garden and Cherry Tree Cafe. Some cafes and shops have space for posters and notices and proprietors can be generous in allowing members of the community to use them. For sharing your announcements digitally, we recommend getting in touch with Eynsham Online.

Hopefully if we all practice some friendly ‘noticeboard etiquette’ we can ensure that our vibrant Eynsham community will always have the space needed to share the many exciting things that are happening across the area.




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