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Road closures in January 19 Dec 2023 Temporary closures which may impact residents

Eynsham Parish Council has been advised of a number of local road closures that may impact our residents during January.

There will be overnight closure of a section of the A4095 at North Leigh from 23-25 January, with the road being closed from 9pm until 5am.This is to allow for carriageway marking and stud installation to take place. The section of the road to be closed is marked on the map which can be downloaded at the bottom of the page.

Additionally, the lane running through South Leigh will be temporarily closed on 26 January between 7.30am and 4.30pm, with ‘No Waiting’ restrictions in place to prevent vehicles from waiting or parking on the roadway. This is to allow for re-patching works. 

While diversions will be in place, we’d advise residents to avoid these routes where possible. 



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