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What is community stewardship? 23 Jun 2023 Understand more and have your say

Eynsham Parish Council is becoming increasingly focused on stewardship as our local area prepares for large-scale development projects that will involve many new houses being built nearby.

Stewardship refers to the management of community assets over the long-term. These assets include green spaces, community buildings and facilities, and play areas. We anticipate more community assets being added to the Parish as part of the new housing developments and want to ensure the needs and interests of the community are central to their long-term management.  

It sounds complicated, but it’s not – and we think it’s important. Find out more about stewardship on our Strategic Planning page.

We are currently (until 5pm on 30 June) inviting residents to let us know what they think about community-led stewardship. Have your say here: Do Eynsham residents support Stewardship of community assets in West Eynsham Strategic Development Area and Salt Cross Garden Village? Survey (

If you have any questions about stewardship, what it means for you or how you might get involved, please contact the Parish Council directly via our Clerk at



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