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Eynsham Village Hall update 16 Jun 2023 Important changes are in progress

The way in which the Village Hall is operated is changing from 18 June, although for most of us the changes will be largely unperceptible.

When the hall was built 21 years ago, the Parish Council leased it to the Village Hall Management Committee, who took on the responsibility for day-to-day operations. That lease ends on 17 June, after which the management and responsibility reverts to the Parish Council.

Since the beginning of March 2023, the existing Village Hall Management Trustees have been working jointly with Eynsham Parish Council during a period of transition which ends in March 2024. This extended transition period will help us to ensure there is a smooth handover and residents notice little change.

While we expect the transition to be smooth and largely unnoticeable, the email address for the Bookings & Accounts Clerk (Steph), will be changing. The contact phone number for bookings, however, will remain the same.

The Council greatly appreciates the Trustees’ superb work over the years and values their support during the transition period, which will allow the transfer of knowledge and skills to the Council. Existing employees are being transferred to the Parish Council staff team and will continue to undertake their roles as before.

We know our Village Hall is a well-used and much-loved community space and we hope this transition will have minimal impact on our residents’ use and enjoyment of it.

Bookings for the main hall or the small hall can be made via:

Phone on 07935 832 702 (this remains the same as previous)

Email on  (if you email the previous address, your message will be diverted to this new one for a short time only. Please save the new email address for future use)

We have created a page on this website to share relevant information about the facilities at the Village Hall. On this page you will also find the correct contact details for booking a space.

As part of the transition process, the Council will be holding quarterly user group meetings to exchange information with regular hall users.



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