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Welcome the Warmth this Winter 13 Nov 2023 County Council grants are available for boosting the energy efficiency of your home

Oxfordshire County Council has received Government funding to provide grants for residents to improve the energy-efficiency of their homes. Some of our Eynsham residents may be eligible and interested in applying.

In a bid to help low-income households improve the energy efficiency of their home, bring down the cost of their bills and reduce their carbon footprint, the County Council is offering grants to fully fund the cost of improvements such as installing solar panels or heat pumps.

The County Council has created a designated website, Welcome the Warmth, to share more information about the scheme and who is eligible to apply for it.

Generally, grants are only available to those living in a property with a D,E,F or G EPC rating and with a household income below a certain threshold or receiving certain benefits. The exact details are available on the website: Am I eligible? | Welcome the Warmth

For those who believe they are eligible and would like to take up the offer of a grant to make their home improvements, it’s advised to contact the team via the freephone number 0800 038 6775 or by sending an email to

While not all of our residents will be eligible for these grants, we hope that those who are can take advantage of them and make the improvements that could save them money and improve their carbon footprint for many years to come. Stay warm this winter!



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