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Enjoy water safely this summer 17 Jun 2024 The Royal Life Saving Society UK has useful advice for staying safe in the water

Eynsham Parish Council is aware that our residents enjoy spending time on and in the water around Oxfordshire in all seasons, but more so during the summer months. To help you do so safely, we’d like to share some good advice from The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK).

  • Stop and Think. Ask yourself if the area is safe and what potential hazards there may be in the water. Is it deep or shallow? Could there be underwater objects that you can’t yet see? It’s worth speaking to local people who may be more familiar with the water conditions.
  • Start Slowly and Carefully. Never jump or dive straight in from a height. Take it slow and consider whether you’re a strong swimmer, as well as how your body feels today – we all vary and it’s best not to push beyond your own limits.
  • Stay Together. The majority of incidents happen when the swimmer is unsupervised, so go with some friends or family members. If there is no one to accompany you, try and find a place where there is a lifeguard on duty.  
  • Emergency Response. In case of an emergency, call 999 immediately and ask for the Fire and Rescue Service if inland, or the Coastguard if on the coast. Never enter the water to try and help someone who is in trouble, even though it may feel like the right thing to do. Instead, throw them a flotation device to help them stay afloat until the emergency services arrive.
  • Stay Calm. If you’re in the water and start to feel ill or tired, stay calm and float on your back – then call for help.
  • Group Awareness. Make sure everyone you are with, no matter their age, is familiar with the basic water safety advice and has some experience in and on the water.
  • Alcohol Awareness. If you’ve had a drink, stay away from the water – even walking home alongside it can be risky. Alcohol slows down the body’s reactions and numbs the senses, making swimming much harder.  

There are many more resources available on the RLSS UK website, including important information about Cold Water Shock (this can still be a risk even in the summer). Considering the school holidays are fast approaching, we’d recommend families review the website chat with their children about water safety ahead of any visits to pools or the sea. Visit the site here:  The Royal Life Saving Society UK (RLSS UK)

Finally, if you’re swimming locally don’t forget you can check the water conditions from home before you head out at the Oxford Rivers Portal. Find out more about it here: Eynsham Parish Council News: How's the river today? (16 May 2024). Oxfordshire (



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