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Land to West of Fruitlands 24 May 2016 JA Pye's appeal against refusal of the Fruitlands development was dismissed today.

JA Pye's appeal against refusal of the Fruitlands development was dismissed today. An inspector appointed by the Secretary of State held an informal hearing on Wednesday 13 April. Many documents from July 2014 are still on view, along with the appeal decision.

DATELINE 08/06/2015: From correspondence on the WODC website, it seems the outline proposal for 19 dwellings off Fruitlands was withdrawn today - just four days after the Parish Council objected to it as “an isolated, opportunistic development” - the full response is attached below. The Parish Council objected at length to earlier plans for Fruitlands in August 2014.

DATELINE 06/03/2015: Having challenged the Tree Preservation Order for Fruitlands within 24 hours of consultation closure, Developer Pye now plans to close off the area for a risk assessment - view letter to residents below.

Their application of 20 February proposed “removal to ground level ... of tree species includ[ing]: Hawthorn, Apple. Silver Birch, Ash, Cherry, Crack Willow, Oak, Field Maple and Goat Willow. No replacement planting proposed.”

DATELINE 02/02/2015: WODC has placed a provisional Tree Preservation Order (TPO) on the entire orchard preventing the applicant from ‘wilfully damaging, destroying or lopping any tree covered by the order’- for the time being at least. The accompanying letter says the order was made because ...

“The trees included in this order are considered to be of high amenity value in that they cumulatively contribute to the soft, rural edge of the village and are visible in publicly accessible places such as Fruitlands, Bartholomew Close, Old Witney Road and the A40. The council considers it expedient to make the area the subject of a tree preservation order in the interests of public amenity.”

To ensure the TPO is confirmed, as many people as possible need to express their support for it. Please e-mail by 19 February, after which the local authority will either confirm or revoke the order.

DATELINE 27/01/2015: WODC’s Lowlands Planning Committee has rejected Pye Development plans for Fruitlands by 7 votes to 3 (ignoring officer recommendation for approval) and requested a Tree Preservation Order for the entire orchard. View decision notice.