The Parish Council has just launched their first Strategic Plan, a document that sets out the vision and strategic direction for the coming years to ensure Eynsham remains a great place to belong.
This document has been shaped with input from the community and sets out the commitment that Councillors have made in their service to residents. It also outlines the priority areas, and associated projects, that the Council will focus on through 2022 and into 2023.
The priority areas have been identified as key to the preservation and considered development of our area. For example, one priority area is to ‘Promote and support carbon neutrality and biodiversity for the future generations.’ Projects falling within this area include creating a ‘Green Wheel’ circular around the village and designating the Fishponds as a Local Nature Reserve.
Projects will be monitored and progress will be reported on during each monthly Full Council meeting to ensure the Council remains accountable and momentum is maintained. The Strategic Plan will be reviewed annually and updated as required.
This document couldn’t have been created without community engagement and input from residents, so thank you to all who took part. We greatly appreciate the time that residents gave to attend the Council’s ‘drop-in’ day in 2021 or complete online surveys to share views and help create a Strategic Plan that will best serve the community.
The completed document is available to view via the link below, within the Key Documents page on this website, or as a hard copy in Eynsham Library.