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Neighbourhood Plan draft completed 12 Mar 2017 A huge thank-you to everyone who helped to make the plan a reality.

Eynsham's draft Neighbourhood Plan has been formally adopted by the Parish Council for submission to WODC.You can read the version that will be presented to WODC here. You can find it and all the supporting documents on the 'Key Documents' page.

Now is the moment to thank everyone who has worked so hard over the last two years preparing the Plan.

Thanks go first to the EFSG team for organising events and meetings for residents to have their say, collecting information, writing up results, preparing the documents and doing all the other administrative tasks necessary to bring the plan together.

Thanks also to those who have used their expertise. We are blessed with so many skilled people in the village whether in organising effective community engagement, presenting ideas and creating plans, understanding planning policy or simply applying logic and common sense to the issues we face.

Thanks also to all the residents who have taken part from filling in questionnaires to making some really thoughtful observations on the plan during the time it has been available for commenting on. Even the simplest of comment may have set a train of thought in motion and the result is a plan that, we hope, both represents local opinion and is stronger because of all the different contributions you have made to it.

Thank you.


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