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Second Chances 21 Feb 2017 Merton House is a new assessment home off Merton Court, developed by the County Council with input from local residents

Up to 6 vulnerable youngsters aged 12-17 will find a short-term ‘home from home’ here, giving them and their families an opportunity to strengthen relationships or to identify what sort of setting will best support their on-going needs.

Keeping our children within the county offers the best possible chance of maintaining their existing family / school / social networks and of continuous, effective monitoring.

On Thursday 16 February, members of the Community Liaison Group (local residents and councillors) were invited to look around the newly-completed home and meet some of its staff.

Registered Manager Sandra Curley thanked everyone for attending and expressed her appreciation for the warm and open way in which all parties were able to communicate. She said “It really does set the standard for young people when they can see the adults in their community coming together to support them and each other”.

We look forward to continuing this useful and informative liaison in the future.

POSTSCRIPT 2018: Merton House is now The Oaks.


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