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Your Parish Council 9 Nov 2016 Minutes of the latest meeting include objections to new proposals for 77 dwellings at Eynsham Nursery and Plant Centre

This meeting - one of the longest in memory - included a review of 7 planning applications.

The Council objected to further revisions to the 13-dwelling plan for Newland Street; to the conversion and development at 46 Acre End Street; and to amended plans for 77 dwellings at Eynsham Nursery & Plant Centre:

“The variation in design would raise the ridge height of some dwellings from the previously approved height to 10 metres which is out of keeping with the existing built environment and which would be an urbanizing intrusion into the surrounding area at the edge of the village.

“The application makes no substantial changes to the site access which remains a contrived bottleneck extension of Old Witney Road for all traffic, including motor vehicles, emergency and essential services, cycles and pedestrians. The application ignores the WODC draft Local Plan, now approved by Cabinet for public consultation, which provides for a western link road which would provide access to the site other than through the congested centre of the village. The application also takes no consideration of the OCC changes to the A40 adjacent to the site being developed by OCC”.

You can download the draft minutes below.


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