The gates finally open at Dovehouse "Come and Play" - formerly Wytham View Play Area - on Friday 7 May at 15:30; all welcome. Come along and make the most of the new play area and extra activities for children. We also need your help in keeping the area in good condition and free from nuisance.
After a slow start, the Parish Council had a substantial consultation with local residents, resulting in many changes to improve the design and minimise the potential for nuisance and anti-social behaviour. This has delayed the start of work but the result should be a play area that will make us all proud. Come and see for yourself!
WHY THE NAME? The Parish Council held a competition for a name and this was inspired by the best entry. Why not Wytham View? Well, the trees have grown so you can't see Wytham Wood any more and Dovehouse Close – which was built after the play area - is much closer.
SITE MONITORING: A residents' group has continued after the consultation to help look after the area. Our first concern is to minimise risk of vandalism and nuisance.
Unfortunately Eynsham isn't immune from bad behaviour and we want to be prepared in case trouble happens. After advice from the local Crime Reduction officer, we will monitor activity and keep the police informed. Our response will be:
to illegal activity - violence, damage, under-age drinking - phone 999 and expect a response to match the threat.
to people hanging about late into the night and being a nuisance – phone 08458 505 505
keep a log of calls and note any 'late-night' use - contact Richard Andrews by phone 01865 880106 or email. We will then ask police to patrol the area at suitable times.
ZERO TOLERANCE: However we can't see everything and would very much appreciate everybody who lives nearby taking a 'zero-tolerance' approach to possible trouble (though please don't put yourself at risk by intervening directly). Please call the police and / or let us know what you have seen and help keep our play area a happy place.