The Government Inspector has dismissed Gladman’s appeal against a refusal of outline planning consent for up to 49 homes off Station Road.
Following a public inquiry held 15-22 March, the decision was published today.
WODC’s Lowlands Planning Committee had rejected Gladman proposals unanimously on 19 January: refusal reasons are quoted in full below. Members of the public were invited to attend and (with the inspector's agreement) give their views - view guide.
“By reason of the harmful urbanising impact on the sensitive rural edge/approach to the settlement and the harm to the setting of listed and unlisted heritage assets the proposed development is considered to unduly urbanise an attractive area of open countryside, compromise key views, harm the setting and context of heritage assets and detract from the attractive agrarian character of the settlement edge at this point. These harms are considered to substantially outweigh the benefits of the development and would be contrary to policies BE2, BE4 BE5 BE8 NE1 NE3 and H2 of the WOLP and the relevant provisions of the NPPF
“In the absence of an agreed mitigation package and securing the appropriate amount and nature of affordable housing it has not been demonstrated that the development would not give rise to undue harms and impacts. As such the scheme is considered contrary to policies BE1 and H 11 of the adopted WOLP and the provisions of the NPPF.”
The Committee also rejected Pye Development plans for Fruitlands by 7 votes to 3 and requested a Tree Preservation Order for the entire orchard.