Eynsham Parish Council has been contacted by Eynsham Rotary Club to spread the word about their Quiz Night, taking place in October, to help raise funds for charity.
On Saturday 19 October, the Rotary Club will be hosting a Charity Quiz Night in the Village Hall from 7pm (for a 7.30pm start). All are welcome to attend (and a flyer can be downloaded below). Entry costs £5 per person, with attendees able to arrive as a team (4-6 people) or join a team on the night.
Tessa Hammond, who handles publicity for the Rotary Club, described it as a “relaxed evening amongst friends and families, sharing a few nibbles while testing those little grey cells and hoping to win a prize!”. A snack board will be provided for each table and there will be a bar and a raffle during the evening.
The money raised from the Quiz Night will be donated to the various local and international charities that the Rotary Club supports on a regular basis. Locally, this includes Yellow Submarine (a charity which offers training to young people with learning disabilities in Witney and Oxford) and the Long Mead Thames Valley Wildflower Meadow Project. The Club has also recently provided new equipment for the children’s reading corner at Eynsham library. Internationally, the Rotary Club donates to disaster areas via charities like Shelterbox.
Those interested in attending the Quiz Night can purchase tickets in advance, preferably by Wednesday 16th October, from Evenlode DIY or by contacting Roy Wilkinson on roywilkinson4@gmail.com or 01865 883917 or 07970 227364. Tickets can also be purchased online via https://www.trybooking.com/uk/DUVP.
If you’re curious about the Rotary Club and would be interested in getting more involved, the Quiz Night is a good opportunity to chat to some existing members. Tessa said the Club “actively needs new members if we are to continue our fundraising and projects in the villages and we are open to all, so if you feel that you have something to give and can spare just a few hours a month, why not come and try us out?”
Tessa encouraged interested residents to attend one of their evening meetings, which are held on the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of each month at 7.30pm at The Swan in Eynsham. They host a range of speakers for the meetings. The Club arrange a variety of fundraising activities each year and residents may know them from their presence at Eynsham Carnival and their annual festive ‘tour’ with Santa’s sleigh at Christmas. Find out more about Eynsham Rotary Club on their website: Rotary Club of Eynsham - welcome. (rotary-ribi.org)