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Botley West Solar Farm consultation 24 Jun 2024 A targeted consultation is now open on plans for the solar farm

Eynsham Parish Council has been informed that a new targeted consultation is now open on the revised plans for the Botley West Solar Farm.

This follows the previous consultation, held at the end of 2023, and presents revised plans for feedback.

The consultation is focused on specific changes to the project site boundary; some areas will be less impacted while others more so. Particularly relevant for Eynsham residents is the proximity to the allotments, although exactly how much impact this will have is unclear.

We’d encourage residents to visit the Botley West Solar Farm webpage [Targeted Consultation - Botley West] to review the maps and other documents. Hard copies of the map and documents can be seen at Eynsham Library during opening hours. There is an online form for sharing feedback via the webpage, or residents can send their feedback on the project via email ( or by post to FREEPOST BWSF.  

The consultation will be open until Sunday 28 July and we hope residents will find time to share their views on this, considering the large impact this project would have on our Parish. The Parish Council will review the documents and consider submitting a response.

We will keep residents updated on this project as it continues to progress.  



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