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How's the river today? 16 May 2024 A useful portal for swimmers and paddlers to check local conditions

If you’re planning a swim in or paddle on the river this summer, make sure you get the latest information on river water quality and conditions locally to keep yourself safe via the Oxford Rivers Portal.

This portal, available here: GOVAQUA Oxford Rivers Data Portal (, was developed by the environmental charity Thames21 and research institute UKCEH to provide up-to-date details on river conditions. The information available includes current levels and whether there are any flood alerts or sewage spills in the area.

Between 15 May and 30 September, the Portal will also contain information on recent bacteria water quality at Port Meadow.

We know many of our community feel strongly about trying to improve river conditions and may also find useful the details on the Portal about local river action groups and how to report pollution and/or join campaigns.

The team behind the Portal will be releasing monthly ‘case studies’ on the site too. This will provide data for different areas that could help communities make a case for river improvements in and around Oxford.

Thames21 is a charity that works to put ‘healthy rivers at the heart of healthy communities’ and was pivotal in getting Defra to officially designate Wallingford Beach as a bathing site on the Thames recently. This becomes the second bathing site after Wolvercote Mill in Oxford. Both of these are accessible from Eynsham if swimmers are keen for a summer dip, although many local bathers prefer Swinford Lock when weather allows.

If you are swimming in or paddling on the Thames this summer, please take all the necessary precautions to stay safe.



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