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Picking the right path 1 Jun 2023 Exploring the local footpaths in and around Eynsham

Residents of Eynsham are fortunate to have many lovely local footpaths and bridleways available for use. These can provide a great and safe way to enjoy the surrounding countryside, especially during the warmer months.

To remind residents of the many footpaths we have access to nearby, we are sharing a map (downloaded via the link below) that is marked with the different paths, each type in a different colour. The pink lines are footpaths and the green lines are bridleways, while the blue lines mark the parish boundaries.

The different type of pathway is important to recognise as access is allowed for specific groups only, depending on the path. According to the Countryside Code, which is shared by Natural England, footpaths are for walkers only (no horse riders or cyclists) while bridleways welcome walkers, horse riders and cyclists alike. These restrictions are designed for safety, as many footpaths are too narrow for cyclists to safely pass walkers without causing injury or alarm.

As footpaths and bridleways are shared spaces that everyone should be able to enjoy safely, we’d advise residents to be aware of these restrictions and stay within the rules. Additionally, we’d encourage everyone to consider the specific needs of fellow path users and try to be sympathetic and understanding. For example, older people or those with mobility issues may move slower and need a little more space due to balance issues.

We hope all our residents make the most of the beautiful countryside that Eynsham nestles within and can enjoy a summer of being active in nature. If you’re interested in walking groups and activities, you may want to consider training as a Wellbeing Walk leader. A session is being run by West Oxfordshire District Council on 27 June in Witney. Find out more details on this in a previous article, available here.




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