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Churchyard Closure 5 Nov 2015 The need to find land for future burials has become more pressing in view of the latest update from St Leonard’s PCC.

The Parish Council says the need to find land for future burials has become more pressing in view of the latest update (below) from St Leonard’s Parochial Church Council - view minutes below. The Parish Council response to their earlier statement is also online.

Proposed Closure of St Leonard’s Churchyard, Eynsham

“Further to our consultation in 2014, we have received notification from the Ministry of Justice confirming the first part of the churchyard closure process for St Leonard’s Churchyard. A notice which announces the Secretary of State’s intention to apply for a closure Order, including any exceptions, will be published on the church notice board in the Square. The MOJ has also advised Eynsham Parish Council and West Oxfordshire District Council. For further information please contact the Church Office at 21 High Street, Eynsham: 01865 883325 / email”


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