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Eynsham Futures Launch 6 Apr 2015 We had a very successful event over Friday-Saturday 20-21 March with 186 people visiting us and a real buzz in the Village Hall

We had a very successful launch event over Friday-Saturday 20-21 March with 186 people visiting us. There was a real buzz in the Village Hall!

The workshop style event helped get a host of discussions going over cups of tea and home made biscuits provided by the Eynsham Country Market- very many thanks to them. The walls were soon smothered in post-it notes and pictures with thoughts and ideas about the issues our Neighbourhood Plan might address.

Thank you to everyone who came and took part and to all those who gave up so much of their time to help. From the animated conversations and occasional bursts of laughter I think we all had a good time as well!

We are very grateful to all those willing volunteers who delivered the handbills for us- sometimes braving defensive dogs! Thank you too to Cottsway Housing Association for your support and the loan of the model houses. Also to Lorna Marrison for allowing us to print and use your lovely images from around the village ... to GreenTEA and the History Group for practical help ... to Siemens for the loan and transport of the flipcharts and whiteboards ... Abbey Properties for the house photos ... the police for the loan of an A-frame ... Ron Hollis and Roy Wilkinson at the Village Hall. All greatly appreciated.

We have carefully taken down all the comments and members of the Steering Group are busy theming them, together with the 60 odd replies to our earlier handbill and typing them up verbatim. A full analysis and report can then be based on these records. Everyone’s comments will be heard. The report will be on ‘Eynsham Futures’ soon.

We recruited quite a few new volunteers as well. Welcome! If you have not yet heard from us by e-mail we will shortly be in touch by phone / knocking on your door!

Finally our next Steering Group meeting will be at 19:30 on Thursday 9 April in the Bartholomew Room and the agenda for the meeting is available here. Please come along - maybe just to observe in the first instance or let me know if you would be interested in fully joining the Steering Group and / or one of our smaller Task Groups looking at particular themes such as business, schools, health, housing, heritage and more. We will also be doing the prize draw from all the replies to our handbill for the winner of the bottle of champagne!

Posy Parrinder, Interim Chair EFSG; email 


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