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Amendments to W.Eynsham plans 9 Mar 2023 This local development masterplan has had additions, but no public consultation

Eynsham Parish Council has been made aware that the West Eynsham development masterplan has had additions made, yet no public consultation on these has been arranged.

The new document, available on West Oxfordshire District Council’s (WODC) website, makes additions that were the result of discussions between WODC, the developers and third-party landowners within the boundary of the planned development and resolved in July 2022.

The changes are as follows:

  • The land ownership plan (Figure 1 in the addendum, Figure 12 in the original masterplan) has been updated to more clearly indicate which parcels of land are within the control of the four main landowners/developers and which parcels are owned by other ‘third parties’ or is unregistered land
  • Ecology and biodiversity – the text has been amended to clarify that the former orchard, west of Fruitlands in the north of the site, is partially covered by a Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and is designated as a priority habitat (Deciduous Woodland)
  • The Existing Green Infrastructure and Ecology plan (Figure 2 in the addendum, Figure 21 in the original masterplan) has been updated to show the confirmed extent of the Fruitlands Tree Preservation Order (TPO) and to show the updated Natural England designations within the Natural England Priority Habitat Inventory mapping for Deciduous Woodland. The plan has also been updated to show the Local Green Spaces designated in the Eynsham Neighbourhood Plan. An inset map has been provided to show these amendments at a closer scale
  • The Masterplan (Figure 5 in the addendum, Figure 27 in the original masterplan) has been updated to illustrate third party land in the north and east of the site as potential development land
  • Updates to the plans for Land-Use Strategy, Landscape Strategy, Indicative Phasing Strategy and Site Constraints and Opportunities

We would encourage residents to review the document to understand the changes that have been made.

The District Council discussed the Addendum at their March Executive meeting (Wednesday 8 March). It has been agreed to refer this for consideration to the Overview and Scrutiny Committee, at which public representation can be made if any residents wish to attend. As yet, no public consultation is planned for the Addendum. We will update our residents as and when we have more information to share.



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