Could becoming a Parish Councillor be a new year’s resolution for you? Eynsham Parish Council has vacancies for new Councillors and would welcome applications from all members of the community who meet the eligibility criteria. The most important thing you need is passion for Eynsham and an enthusiasm for helping us to make a positive impact on our parish.
But what is involved? We’ve been sharing Q&As from some of our existing Councillors to help shine a light on the process (read this one from Cllr Milly Chen) and residents are always welcome to contact us and arrange a chat with an existing Councillor. If you would prefer an external view, we would recommend a session being run in January by the Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils (OALC).
On 24 January from 7-8pm, the OALC will be hosting an online (Zoom) session. This will provide a short introduction to the reality of being a local Councillor, followed by time to ask any questions you may have. The session will cover such topics as eligibility, skills and expectations, as well as sharing some details on the basics of being a Councillor.
No booking is necessary to join this session. You can read more about it and access the session on the evening of 24 January via the OALC website: Event Details - OALC
We would also suggest anyone considering becoming a Councillor to sign up to the ‘Be a Councillor’ newsletter provided by the Local Government Association (LGA). It was launched earlier in 2022 and provides information on all the key topics, from initial questions to the process of being voted in. Sign up the newsletter on the LGA website: Local Government Association (