A year on since the initial planting session at the Food Forest Garden in Old Witney Road play area, local parents and children were back to help plant additional bushes, shrubs and plants in this blossoming space.
Cllr Milly Chen, who was involved in establishing the Food Forest Garden from the beginning, was delighted to be joined by a number of students from Eynsham Community Primary School and their parents for the November planting session.
The additional plants added to the site included a selection of perennial edibles – peach, pear, curry plant and Victoria plum – as well as apricot trees. “The apricot trees are a bit of an experiment,” Cllr Milly explained. “We will watch and see how well they grow. Hopefully they thrive; that would be absolutely wonderful for the children.”
Despite the chilly temperatures, the children enjoyed themselves as much as the adults and were eager to be involved. Cllr Milly said, “it’s wonderful to see these young people immersing themselves in nature. One little boy was absolutely fascinated by worms. He carefully handled the worms as they got exposed during digging, and then gently returned them home when trees were planted. What amazing compassion in cultivation!”
With such enthusiastic helpers alongside her, Cllr Milly said it took just one hour to complete the planting session. “Then some of the children enjoyed play time in the Old Witney Road play area – a well-deserved treat after all their efforts!”
The Food Forest Garden may have been created as a nature project and allotment site for the students at Eynsham Community Primary School, but it’s hoped that all local residents will enjoy watching the progress of the plants and the additions made by the schoolchildren over the year. Next time you’re walking in the area, why not take a look?