We know that many of our residents (and our Councillors) are concerned about the state of our local waterways and the impact this has on biodiversity and flood risks. Fortunately, some expert information and advice can be gathered at West Oxfordshire District Council’s Waterways Day in November.
On Friday 18 November, from 9.30am – 5.30pm, experts from a range of different groups and organisations will give talks about the current state of local watercourses and what residents can do to restore the broken ecology and reduce flooding risks in their area.
The Waterways Day event will be held at the District Council offices in Witney and, along with various talks, there will be ample opportunity for attendees to ask questions. Each organisation will also have a stall to share further information and advice. Participating organisations include Thames Water, Berks, Bucks & Oxfordshire Wildlife Trust, Windrush Against Sewage Pollution and Blenheim Estates.
Attendees who already have questions for the experts are able to submit these in advance via the website (until 3 November) to allow them time to prepare answers and advice, which they will bring to the event. While the Environment Agency is unable to attend the Waterways Day, they have agreed to prepare responses to questions submitted online too.
Attending the event is free of charge but it has been requested that those intending to come should register their interest on Eventbrite. This allows the District Council to estimate numbers and prepare accordingly. If you don’t manage to register, you are still welcome to attend on the day – all are welcome. More information about the event, including timings of the different expert talks, is available on the Waterways Day page.