The Parish Council is helping to create a Community Speedwatch group for Eynsham as part of our wider efforts to keep the roads in and around the village safe for all who use them. Would you like to know more? And would you be interested in getting involved?
Community Speedwatch (CSW) is a national initiative which involves a group of community volunteers working alongside local police officers to capture details of any speeding vehicles in their area. Vehicle owners are sent letters warning them of the risks of their actions, with repeat offenders being visited by the police.
These voluntary groups have sprung up in various communities nationwide as local people become increasingly frustrated by the speed of vehicles in their area, concerned about the risks to other road users. As the police have limited resources to monitor and enforce speed limits, CSW groups are an efficient way for the community to collaborate with them and help improve the safety of their streets.
Considering the amount of development near Eynsham, we are likely to see an increase in traffic in our area over the coming months and years. The Parish Council is exploring options to mitigate the impact – including introducing a 20mph speed limit in the village – and a new Community Speedwatch group could make a positive difference. Similar groups are active in some of our neighbouring communities, including Cassington, Church Hanborough, Standlake and Freeland.
If you’d like to hear more about the plans or are interested in being involved, please contact our Clerk on