The Parish Council is in the process of updating our existing Neighbourhood Plan. This is a document which sets out the vision for the neighbourhood and is developed with input from the community to ensure we are working harmoniously to shape the development and growth in our area.
As part of the process, we have commissioned Community First Oxfordshire (CFO) to talk to residents about current and future issues facing the village. CFO is looking for people to take part in online focus groups to achieve this.
These focus groups will be conducted by Zoom and will take a maximum of one and half hours. If you would like to be considered as a focus group participant, please click on the link below and complete a short form – this will take no more than a couple of minutes:
There will be other opportunities for more people to get involved as the Neighbourhood Plan process continues. This will also include people who do not have access to digital platforms.
If you would like further information, please contact Tom McCulloch at Community First Oxfordshire: