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Meet a Councillor: Sue Osborne 5 Jan 2022 How well do you know your parish councillors? Find out more about Sue Osborne in our quick Q&A.

When did you join the council?

I joined the council in 2006 because I wanted to learn more about the community and try to make a positive contribution.

What do you enjoy about being a councillor?

I enjoy feeling like we are doing our best for this wonderful parish.

What has been the hardest thing about the role?

Finding out how much there is to learn! The depth of knowledge and expertise within the Council and the parish itself is astounding and uplifting.

What is the biggest misconception other people seem to have about what a councillor does?

I think people sometimes forget that their councillors are volunteers. Also, that the Parish Council is not all-powerful. We try our hardest, but we don’t control many of the bigger issues affecting Eynsham and Barnard Gate.

What issue are you most passionate about when it comes to being a councillor?

I am keen to do whatever we can to protect our green spaces and make them more accessible for everyone where possible.

What do you like about life in Eynsham?

How long have you got…?! I like the sense of community; the proximity to rivers, woods, hills and fields; the variety of shops, pubs and facilities; the bus connectivity; all the activities to get involved with; the great footpaths and bridleways; the Nature Recovery Network and its aims – the list goes on!

What was your profession?

I worked with Periodicals Acquisition at the Bodleian Library for over 40 years, retiring in February 2022. It was an interesting job - no day was ever the same - and I got great satisfaction from providing essential material to the scholars and students at the University.

How do you like to spend your spare time?


Do you have a question or a concern you’d like Sue to raise with the council? You can contact her on  


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