Those of you with long memories will recall that, back in the winter of 2013/2014, a plea was put out to help reinstate a “lost path” in the parish. Part of footpath 206/10, just north of the A40 on the Eynsham-Freeland northern circular walk, had been missed from the Oxfordshire County Council’s Definitive Map, even though it was described in the matching Statement. This meant that it had disappeared from Ordnance Survey maps because of a technical error and could easily have been lost for good (any public right of way which doesn’t appear on the Definitive Map & Statement will be wiped off in 2026).
Many residents stepped forward and filled in forms to confirm that they had been walking this section of path for twenty years or more, which provided crucial evidence to back up an application to have the right of way reinstated.
Six years later, we have finally received the excellent news that the application was successful: the Definitive Map will be updated as soon as possible and the path will once again appear on future OS maps.
To enjoy this lovely circular walk, including the hitherto “lost path” (which is the S/E – N/W line between points 2 & 3), see downloadable map and directions below.
Thank you to everyone, as always, for helping to keep our rights of way open!