Eynsham Parish Council News

Biodiversity consultation 30 Nov 2023 Share your thoughts on the District Council's new Biodiversity Action Plan

West Oxfordshire District Council is seeking residents’ thoughts on their new Biodiversity Action Plan (BAP) during a period of consultation until mid-December.

The new BAP, which will cover the period from implementation until 2030, seeks to enhance biodiversity and promote nature recovery across the district. It wants to make care of the environment a priority for local businesses and community organisations.

The Parish Council is aware of the enthusiasm for biodiversity projects in Eynsham and encourages residents to review the plans and share their views to help the District Council create a robust and effective BAP.

Key for Eynsham residents is that the District Council’s plan will involve promoting biodiversity via polices and development, with a view to protecting the nature on Council-owned land and taking a fresh approach to housing development.

Read the documents associated with the consultation on the designated website: Project • Biodiversity Action Plan (westoxon.gov.uk) On here you will find a simply survey to complete to register your views on the intended BAP.

For those who are unable to complete the survey online, get in touch with the District Council via their Communications Team communications@westoxon.gov.uk to request a different means of contributing to the consultation.

The consultation will be open until Friday 22 December, with updates on next steps expected from the District Council in the new year.



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