Eynsham Parish Council News

Update on local bus services 27 Nov 2023 Some information that may be useful for our residents

Earlier in November, one of our Councillors attended the County Council meeting about local transport and shared some of our residents’ concerns. We also gathered information and updates that will be relevant to residents.

We are pleased to be able to inform you that the city700 bus service will, from 26 November, introduce a weekend service, which should help to remove some of the stress of hospital parking. The service will run up to every hour on both Saturday and Sunday, running from Thornhill Park and Ride to Headington and the hospitals. From this date there will also be some minor changes to the week day service to improve reliability, especially during peak times. Find out more about the services via the schedule online: 700 leaflet nov23 v1 web.pdf (passenger-website.com)

Many of our local services are run by Stagecoach. To help residents keep track of routes and schedules, we would direct you to their website: www.stagecoachbus.com/regional-service-updates/oxfordshire/oxfordshire If you set your location, you will be able to access local service updates.

If you have lost anything on a bus you can contact Stagecoach using the special form here: www.stagecoachbus.com/help-and-contact/forms/lost-property-form Finally, for any queries or suggestions, there is a feedback form here: www.stagecoachbus.com/help-and-contact/forms/feedback-form

Eynsham is also well served by the community organisation First & Last Mile, which operates the 411 and 418 routes. Find out more about these routes on their website: www.firstandlastmile.org.uk/routes. The team can be contacted directly via 07584 927050 or on email info.firstandlastmile@gmail.com.

The next transport meeting will be in the New Year, so please email epc.comms@eynsham-pc.gov.uk if you have any questions or issues you would like raised with the County Council, with the subject header ‘Bus Issues’.




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