Eynsham Parish Councillors

Eynsham Parish Council consists of 15 elected members - or Councillors - who voluntarily give their time to protect the interests of the parish and drive projects that improve the quality of life for all who live here.

Click on the name of a Councillor on the right hand side of the page to find out more about them. Their page will also contain contact details for you to get in touch with any questions or concerns.

Councillors need to be at least 18 years old and to have lived or worked in Eynsham for at least the last 12 months. While the role is unpaid, it can be very rewarding to be involved in decisions that affect the village and make changes happen that positively impact the community.

In addition to attending Full Council meetings on the third Tuesday of the month (Main Hall at the Village Hall), Councillors are also members of Committees, with these meetings held at varying times of the year.

The Council agreed on 12 June 2012 to adopt in full the West Oxfordshire Code of Conduct for members and co-opted members.

We currently have vacancies for new Councillors to join us - would you be interested? Read the role description below or visit the news page to read more about why our Councillors decided to join the Council.

On this section of the website you will also find information about our four paid members of staff who handle the financial, administrative and communications tasks for the Parish Council. The names are listed on the right hand side of the page, with contact details available for each.  


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Rachel Brown - Photographer Natasha JamesDave Syphas - Photographer Natasha JamesAnn Partlett - Photographer Katherine DoughtyRichard Wilkins - Deputy ClerkTricia CrowleySarah Rees - Communications OfficerSue BrownChair Ross MackenAndy MossonSue OsborneCarl Rylett