Eynsham Parish Council News

Looking after the Abbey Fishponds 9 Nov 2023 We’re seeking volunteers to help us maintain this lovely part of our local environment

Eynsham Fishponds is a well-loved patch within our parish and an area that the Parish Council has responsibility for maintaining – and we need your help.

We’d like to form a new Fishponds Working Party of volunteers who will join our Councillors when we spend some time tending to the area. These sessions are only held once or twice a year and tasks that we carry out include clearing undergrowth, trimming overhanging vegetation and branches, collecting leaves and litter or improving the paths.

Usually, we hold our Fishponds sessions during late morning on a weekend (from around 11am) for a couple of hours. The more hands we have helping us, the quicker we can complete our tasks! Could you be one of our volunteers?

No experience is necessary, only enthusiasm, although we will ask volunteers to bring along their own hand tools. If you’d be interested in joining our list of volunteers for Fishponds Working Parties, please send an email to epc.comms@eynsham-pc.gov.uk with Fishponds in the subject line. We will add your name and address to our database, before getting in touch with everyone to share more information and start to arrange some sessions.

Adding your name onto our list doesn’t commit you to attend every session – you can decide each time we contact you whether the date and time will be suitable for you to join us. You are also able to remove yourself from our list at any time if your circumstances change.

For those residents who, like us, cherish the Fishponds and would like to preserve it for the future, this is a lovely opportunity to be involved for a few hours each year alongside likeminded people getting some exercise and fresh air, and hopefully making some new friends along the way!



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