Eynsham Parish Council News

Considering becoming a Councillor? 3 Feb 2023 This online session could help you

Oxfordshire Association of Local Councils (OALC) is running another online session this month to provide advice for people considering becoming a local Councillor.

Eynsham Parish Council currently has vacancies for new Councillors and we would encourage anyone who is considering it to attend the online session and find out more.

The ‘So you want to be a Councillor?’ session will be on Monday 13 February at 10am and joining the call is free. The details are available on the OALC website. The session will last an hour and provide a short introduction covering eligibility, skills, expectations and basic details of what it’s like to be a Councillor. This will be followed by time for questions.

If you can’t attend the online session or would like to speak to someone on Eynsham Parish Council about being a Councillor, our chair Ross Macken would be happy to arrange time for an informal chat. He can be contacted via ross.macken@eynsham-pc.gov.uk. Information on qualification criteria and the job description are available on our Councillors page.  



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