Eynsham Parish Council News

Let's keep our children safe! 10 Nov 2022 Advice for parents to help make the school pick-up and drop-off experience safer for all road users

Eynsham Parish Council Chair Ross Macken has been working with West Oxfordshire District Councillor Andy Goodwin, alongside Eynsham Community Primary School, to review and improve the traffic flow at the school during drop-off and pick-up times.

With many cars, bicycles and pedestrians moving around at once, the dangers – especially to young children – can be very high. To make the experience safer and more efficient for all parents and their children, four key guidelines have been developed:

  1. Drive clockwise and give way to oncoming families on bicycles
  2. Don’t park your car on bends outside the school; the next driver won’t be able to see oncoming bicycles
  3. Don’t enter the school ‘driveway’; it’s hard to reverse out safely
  4. Turn off your engine while stationary in the car; it’s against the law and causes damage to health

It is hoped that if all parents stick to these guidelines during drop-off and pick-up times, the activity will become safer for all involved and avoid any accidents.

Any queries or concerns can be raised with Cllr Andy Goodwin on andy.goodwin@westoxon.gov.uk.



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