Eynsham Parish Council News

Help needed for Neighbourhood Plan 4 Nov 2022 Could you help us define the character of the areas of Eynsham?

Eynsham Parish Council is in the process of reviewing and updating the Neighbourhood Plan and is now seeking some volunteers to help us make an important first step.

The Neighbourhood Plan is an important planning document that helps us to respond to local planning applications on a large and small scale. It contains important policies that must be taken into account, such as the management of green space, biodiversity and climate-friendly actions. It also has a Design Code to help positively shape new development in or around the village and the management of our existing infrastructure.

In order to create a Design Code, the Council needs to carry out a ‘Character Assessment of Eynsham’. This involves dividing the village into different areas that have common characteristics of street layout, architecture, and landscape to best understand the existing design of the village.

To get started on this work, we are looking for some volunteers who can join us from 10am-12pm on Thursday 10 November. We’ll meet at the Market Garden Wholesome Earth Cafe for a quick coffee and to receive a short briefing from our colleagues at Community First Oxfordshire (experts in this area of work).

We will then divide into small groups to  visit various parts of Eynsham and record our impressions of the character of the area and what aspects of the built environment help to define its character.

This will be an enjoyable morning spent seeing the village through a different lens, allowing us to reflect on familiar village landscapes in a new light, and we’d love for you to join us if you can. Please email Cllr David Knight on david.knight@eynsham-pc.gov.uk to register your interest to allow us to manage numbers and coordinate the session


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