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Our Parish Councillors re-elected 11 May 2023 All existing Councillors retain their seats

Following the local elections in early May, we can confirm that all our existing Parish Councillors have retained their seats for the forthcoming four-year period, should they choose to remain with the Council for that long.

As the number of Parish Councillors standing for re-election was below the full number of 15 seats, voting was not necessary. All those who stood were automatically declared elected. Congratulations to them all!

In the District Council elections, Cllr Dan Levy retained his seat as the representative for Eynsham and Cassington by a sizeable majority in the vote. Congratulations to Dan!

We still have a few vacancies remaining for new Councillors. Despite the May elections having passed, local people are still able to apply. It’s a very simple and easy process; we’d recommend attending some of our Council meetings (monthly Tuesday evenings), emailing the Clerk and/or arranging to have an informal chat with our Chair Cllr Ross Macken (

You can also find out more about what’s involved in being a Councillor by reading some of the Q&As we have shared from existing Councillors, such as Beth Partlett and Carl Rylett.



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