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Meet a Councillor: Carl Rylett 6 May 2022 How well do you know the Councillors on your Parish Council? Read on to find out more about Carl Rylett in our quick Q&A.

When did you join the council?

I joined in autumn 2017.

Why did you want to join the council?

I wanted to help keep Eynsham as a wonderful place to live, and hopefully be able to make it even better.

What do you enjoy about being a councillor?

I’ve really enjoyed working with local people and seeing how the decisions we make as a Council have a direct impact on our community. Being a councillor has allowed me to connect with different groups within the community, for example, I have recently made connections with the Day Centre, History Group and Army Cadets.

What has been the biggest challenge in your role?

The village faces immense challenges with the planned Garden Village and West Eynsham developments, as well as the changes to A40. But one pleasant surprise has been the incredible level of expertise of some of our residents who are engaging with these challenges. It’s hard to know what you can influence but the important thing is to try.

What the biggest misconception other people seem to have about the Parish Council?

I think some people overestimate the powers that a Parish Council has.

What project are you most passionate about currently?

I’m most looking forward to helping set up a Youth Council to encourage young people to get more involved in making decisions which affect their community.

Why do you like living in Eynsham?

Eynsham has a great community and it’s a lovely place to raise a family, with the beautiful Cotswolds on one side and Oxford on the other.

What has been your favourite Eynsham activity?

It’s difficult to choose, but probably I’ve most enjoyed being involved with the Nature Recovery Network. I find their events really bring the community together in making real change to help our local wildlife.

What do you do as a profession?

I work for a large company which publishes scientific and medical research. I have worked in IT for over 20 years, including in several different countries, and am currently in the field of data analysis and reporting.

What do you enjoy about your work?

I enjoy being at the forefront of technology trends. Also, the last two years have shown, more than ever, the value of scientific and medical advances in our lives. It’s great to be connected to such an important industry.

How do you like to spend your spare time?

As well as spending time with family and enjoying our local countryside, I write and host a podcast on the history of Europe.

Do you have a question or a concern you’d like Carl to raise with the council? Contact him via

Remember we have vacancies for new Councillors! If you're interested in making a difference for your community, read the full details and get in touch.  



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