Consultation open: Oxford Road Playing Field Car Parks (North and South). Consultation period: 21 April - 2 June 2021
Eynsham Parish Council is reviewing the security arrangements of the car parks and would like your opinions. What purposes do you use the car parks for and when do you think is an acceptable closing time? Please complete the SurveyMonkey consultation (only 2 minutes to do) by clicking here. Thank you!
CONSULTATION CLOSED: Eynsham Community Projects & Infrastructure - S106 developer contributions.
Eynsham Parish Council seek resident's views on future community projects that are aimed to offset the impact of development. The SurveyMonkey consultation results can be found here. The consultation has now closed (28 February 2021).
OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL: Acre End Street (Eynsham), Corn Street & Newland (Witney) - Proposed Bus Stop Build-outs. Consultation period: 28 October - 27 November 2020
Oxfordshire County Council proposes to construct bus stop improvement features on Acre End Street in Eynsham, Corn Street and Newland in Witney, to help improve pedestrian safety in these areas.
Kerbed build-outs with bus stop flags (each to be 5.2 metres* long) at the following locations:
Acre End Street - to be located on the north side of the carriageway, 6 metres* west of its junction with Acre End Close - 1.9 metres* wide,
Corn Street - to be located on the north side of the carriageway, 36 metres* west of its junction with Holloway Road and also on the south side of the carriageway 36 metres* east of its junction with The Crofts - each to be 1.9 metres* wide, and
Newland - to be located on the southwest side of the carriageway, 56 metres* southeast of its junction with Compton Way - 2.7 metres* wide.
* All dimensions are approximate, taken from the centre of the junction to the centre of the feature.
Objections to the proposals and other representations, specifying the grounds on which they are made, may be sent in by completing the online questionnaire, via email or in writing (quoting ref: JaC/12.6.104) to the address below by 27 November 2020. The County Council will consider objections and representations received in response and they may be disseminated widely for these purposes and made available to the public.
Any unresolved objections will be reported to the Council's Cabinet meeting in December 2020. The papers for the meeting will be available on the County Council's website a week before the meeting.
Please see Oxfordshire County Council's consultation page for further information and details on how to respond.
CONSULTATION CLOSED: OXFORDSHIRE COUNTY COUNCIL: Various Roads (Eynsham) Proposed Parking & Loading Restrictions.
Consultation period: 9 July - 7 August 2020 (23:59).
Eynsham Parish Council has been liaising with Eynsham retailers to help promote local shopping and to resolve highway problems. Please see Oxfordshire County Council's consultations page for full information and details on how to respond. Queries to
CONSULTATION CLOSED: Eynsham Nature Recovery - Proposals considered by the Parish Council
Results: The consultation results can be found by clicking here.
Consultation period: 7 May - 28 May 2020.
We welcome feedback on creating wildflower meadows in the village. The areas have been surveyed to understand what is currently growing and assessed for their suitability. Please see photos and further information provided. The proposals are to:-
1) Create a wildflower meadow at Dovehouse Close public open space.
2) Create wildflower areas on the 3 roundabouts on the B4449 (does not include the A40 roundabout).
CONSULTATION CLOSED: Eynsham Nature Recovery - Proposals considered by the Parish Council
Results: The consultation results can be found by clicking here.
Consultation period: 3 April - 1 May 2020.
We welcome feedback on changing the grass cutting regime on three areas in the village by way of trial. The areas have been surveyed to understand what is currently growing and the potential to thrive under a different maintenance routine.
1) Hanborough Road, from Wytham View to Junction with B4449, both sides of road – This is number 1 choice for existing diversity and is also bordered by trees and hedging plants.
2) Oxford Road, from roundabout to playing field, both sides of the road – This is number 2 choice for diversity and is also bordered by trees and hedging.
3) Station Road from Abbey Barns Road to the Fishponds car park, both sides of road - Number 3 choice for diversity. We have a couple of local champions here and there has already been activity in the car park to create a wildflower area.
The maintenance regime would be to cut in March and August (ie two cuts in total). In August, the cuttings will be removed by the Nature Recovery volunteers and used by the Allotments Association for composting.
The 2 cuts per year meet Oxfordshire County Council's requirements and we don’t think the timing of the cuts will impact the vision splay requirements at junctions (although these will be monitored and cut if required). Ubico will be asked to change their cutting programme for these three areas.
At end of year, the areas will be assessed and a decision made whether to continue thereafter.
Additional areas for improvement and feedback:-
4) Old Witney Road Play Area
Permission is being sought to plant hedging on the inside of the steel fence that runs around two sides of the play area. Not only will this provide new environment for wildlife, but also improve the appearance of the park. There will be no impact on the amount of space remaining for play and new equipment. The cost will be funded by Nature Recovery and planting will be undertaken by volunteers.
5) Oxford Road Playing Field (South)
Similarly to the verges, the cutting regime for the 'dog leg' to the Fishponds is to reduce to 2 cuts per year. Paths would remain cut more frequently through the area for dogwalkers. Proposals will be discussed with the Playing Field Managers to decide exactly which areas to leave ‘wild.’ The grass would be cut in July to allow for the Carnival and the effective removal of cuttings will need to be considered.
CONSULTATION CLOSED: Bartholomew Room Refurbishment Project - Your support is needed to secure the building for the future!
Results - The consultation results can be found by clicking here.
Consultation period: 3 April - 1 May 2020.
We invite residents to complete a 2 question survey on the Bartholomew Room Refurbishment Project and the associated increase in Council Tax.
In 1983, Eynsham Parish Council bought the Bartholomew Room for the people of Eynsham using funds raised to mark Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth’s Silver Jubilee. (A plaque on the south wall marks the occasion). The Bartholomew Room upper floor is used as Council Chambers – the lower floor is hired by arrangement to Eynsham Art Group for exhibitions and to other organisations at other times.
In January 2018, Leys Longden & Co (Chartered Surveyors) undertook a survey of the Bartholomew Room to provide a planned maintenance programme setting out principal items of work required and to allow for programming of major works/maintenance spending. The survey concluded that the property is due for general external repairs and decorations, including repairs as a result of long term leaking from the gutters. Provision for disabled access is poor and it is therefore recommended that the lower floor is re-arranged to create a disabled person’s toilet. Costs are estimated at £125,000.
The Council needs to act now to pursue repairs as quickly as possible in order to protect the buildings’ future. The roof is in a worsened state since the 2018 survey was undertaken, not least due to the loss of 20 slates in Storm Dennis in February 2020. Internally, whilst it is questionable whether the cracks around the chimney have worsened, they remain a constant reminder that the guttering is inefficient and the stonework will only be deteriorating further.
The Council wants to secure the building for the community, but we need your help and support. The limited options are:-
Option 1 – Residents SUPPORT the project and the associated Council Tax increase* to fund the loan repayments over 4 years. This will mean that the buildings' future will be preserved for future community use.
Option 2 – Residents DO NOT SUPPORT the project and the associated Council Tax increase. The Council will look to sell the building in its current state thereby ceasing community use altogether.
(* An increase of 24.1% is included in the Council Tax for the current financial year which equates to £12.43 increase for Band D properties for the year).
The Business Case provides further information - see downloads.