Planning Committee Events

27 Feb 2024 19:30 - 21:30 at Village Hall

Please click here to join the meeting by MS Teams or refer to the link in the agenda Planning Committee Agenda 2024-02-27


  1. To receive apologies for absence.
  2. To receive Declarations of Interest in agenda items.

To receive any disclosable declarations of interest from Members in relation to any items to be considered at the meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

  1. Public Participation

To receive submissions from members of the public for a period of 15 minutes.  Members of the public may make representations on any matters, for no more than 5 minutes each in accordance with Standing Orders para 3. The meeting will adjourn for this item. 

  1. Planning matters.
    1. To consider the following application(s) and any others that are received after the agenda publication date:-


Bee Cottage, Abbey Street

Variation of condition 2 of Planning Permission 22/00607/HHD to allow design changes.

  1. To review the planning applications log, note recent decisions and consider any required actions by the Clerk.  


  1. Eynsham Design Review Panel 2024-02-27_05_EynshamDesignPanel_TermsofReference

To consider updated Terms of Reference and agree next steps.  (Note, the Planning Committee shall appoint members of the sub-committee and determine who shall appoint the Chair).

  1. Neighbourhood Plan

To receive an update on the latest draft of the Neighbourhood Plan and agree actions.

  1. West Oxfordshire District Council

To receive an update on the recent West Oxfordshire District Council Development Liaison Meeting and agree actions.

Event Venue

Village Hall

46 Back Lane
Oxfordshire  OX29 4QW

T: 0793 583 2702