< CalendarAmenities & Estates Committee Amenities & Estates Committee
23 May 2023 19:30 - 21:30 at Village Hall

This meeting is being held at the Village Hall (main hall) and via M.Teams (click here for link) at 1930

Amenities & Estates Committee Agenda 2023-05-23

1.To elect a Committee Chairman for 2023/24.

2.To elect a Committee Vice Chairman for 2023/24.

3. To receive apologies for absence.

4. To receive Declarations of Interest in agenda items.

To receive any disclosable declarations of interest from Members in relation to any items to be considered at the meeting in accordance with the Council’s Code of Conduct.

5.Public Participation

To receive submissions from members of the public for a period of 15 minutes. Members of the public may make representations on any matters, for no more than 5 minutes each in accordance with Standing Orders para 3. The meeting will adjourn for this item.

6.Old Witney Road Playground Project Update

Committee to receive update on project and agree any actions required.

(a) To receive and agree final design for play area from Wicksteed.
(b) To discuss and agree proposed dates for work to commence.
(c) To agree for Deputy Clerk to sign ‘Old Witney Road Building Agreement’.

7.Update on Playground Repairs and Inspections

Committee to receive update on playground repairs and inspections at Dovehouse ‘Come & Play’, Oxford Road, Old Witney Road and agree actions.

(a) To review advice from Oxford Direct Services and agree actions.
(b) To agree quotation from Oxford Direct Services for Playground Inspections.
(c) To review ROSPA yearly play inspection email and agree actions.

8.Wildflower Planting

To consider a wildflower planting proposal by Eynsham Nature Recovery Network and agree actions.

9.Allotment Association Constitution

To consider proposed changes to the Allotments Association Constitution and agree actions.

Next Meeting date:

Tuesday 13th June 2023, 7.30pm

Meeting Venue

Village Hall

46 Back Lane, Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX29 4QW.  T: 0793 583 2702