< CalendarTraffic Working Group Meeting - Cancelled Traffic Committee
12 Apr 2022 18:45 - 19:30 at Village Hall

Traffic Working Group Agenda 2022-04-12

  1. To receive apologies for absence.
  2. To receive Declarations of Interest in agenda items.
  3. Public Participation - to receive submissions from members of the public.
  4. To note the resignation of co-opted member Judy Reid.
  5. To receive an update from Sophia Vernon on behalf of Old Witney Road residents.
  6. 20mph Pilot Scheme & Improvements (Including B Roads Speed Reduction).
    1. To receive an update on Oxfordshire County Council’s Consultation.
    2. Discuss communications/community engagement of the consultation result.
    3. Consider an implementation timetable (if appropriate) and ongoing communications during the 12-month pilot.
    4. Plan to meet with OCC Highways 3 months after implementation to discuss what additional traffic calming would be recommended for stretches of road where 20mph is consistently exceeded.
  7. Community Speed Watch Group.
    1. To receive an update on the creation of the group.
    2. To note that, if the 20mph Pilot Scheme & Improvements project is implemented, the 30 and 40mph roads could come within the remit of the Community Speed Watch Group.
  8. To receive an update from Sophia Vernon on behalf of Old Witney Road residents.

Meeting Venue

Village Hall

46 Back Lane, Eynsham, Oxfordshire OX29 4QW.  T: 0793 583 2702