This is the current Neighbourhood Plan and its supporting documents. These documents have been subject to statutory consultation (known as a Regulation 14 consultation) which closed on November 16th, 2018. The plan has been updated and approved by Eynsham Parish Council and submitted to WODC. The documents recording the consultation process have been updated to record these final stages of plan preparation.
- Eynsham Neighbourhood Plan (final version) - contains the policies which we are proposing to govern development within the Parish of Eynsham.
- ENP Site Options Assessments - presents our assessment of number of possible sites which are being considered for development and how they rate against the criteria set out in the SA below.
- ENP Consultation Statement (updated 30/12/2018) - summarises all the events and activities which EFSG have undertaken since the Neighbourhood Plan process started at the end of 2014 to find out what residents want to see as Eynsham develops. The results of all the consultations and questionnaires are recorded, including feedback from formal consultations recorded in :-
- Consultation Feedback Report (updated 30/12/2018) - records comments from residents and outside bodies with our responses.
- Sustainability Assessment (SA) Scoping Report - a village database from sources such as census data and consultations which sets the context for the plan and sets the criteria against which particular development options will be judged.
- Local Green Space Designations - provides the rationale for all the sites considered and then chosen for official recognition as Local Green Spaces. (Not all of these were able to be included in the final version of the Plan).
The original documents can be accessed from the Superseded Documents List