Nick Relph (Cllr)EmailNick previously served as a Councillor and Chair of Eynsham Parish Council, before leaving in May 2022. He re-joined as a Councillor in December 2024.
Councillors Sue BrownMilly ChenTricia CrowleyRoss MackenAndy MossonSue OsborneAnn PartlettNick Relph Carl Rylett Show on mapOfficersRachel BrownMichelle LeggSarah ReesDave SyphasRichard Wilkins
DocumentsDateTitle28/01/2025Notice of Councillor Vacancy Jan 202519/11/2024Notice of Councillor Vacancy Nov 202411/03/2024Qualification criteria for Parish Councillors26/09/2023Notice of Vacancy in office of Councillor September 202326/05/2023Notice of Councillor Vacancy May 202327/01/2023Eynsham Parish Council Organisational Chart 2022/2306/12/2022EPC Code of Conduct Adopted October 202225/02/2019Parish Councillor Job Description