Network Rail has confirmed their new timeline for the redevelopment of Oxford train station, with the Botley Road to re-open by August 2026.
The £161million project started in April 2023 and was due for completion last October. The work was delayed in July 2024 after the discovery of an inverted brick arch under the surface of the bridge. It was further delayed to resolve the issue of the proximity of sewarage to clean water.
It has now been confirmed by Network Rail that a new timeline will result in the Botley Road re-opening in August 2026, with improved access for pedestrians and cyclists promised by summer 2025.
More details are available on the County Council website: Network Rail provides new timeline for reopening Botley Road in August 2026 There is also information on the Network Rail website: Network Rail announces updated timeline for reopening of Botley Road in Oxford
There will be a public information event on Wednesday 29 January at West Oxfordshire Community Association Centre on Botley Road to speak about the new timeline. Those who wish to attend should book their place via the Oxfordshire Connect website: Oxfordshire Connect - Network Rail