Eynsham Parish Council News

District Council comes to Eynsham 3 Dec 2024 Executive meeting to be held at our Village Hall in December

West Oxfordshire District Council will be coming to Eynsham in December to hold their Executive meeting. All residents are welcome to attend.

This Eynsham meeting is part of the ‘Executive on Tour’ programme that has run during 2024, taking Executive meetings to different locations – away from the Council Buildings in Witney – to make it easier for people to engage with the District Council.

The next Executive meeting will be held in Eynsham Village Hall on Wednesday 11 December at 2pm. All residents are welcome to attend, without the need to pre-book. The agenda for the meeting will be released one week in advance and available on this webpage: West Oxfordshire District Council - Agenda for Executive on Wednesday, 11th December, 2024, 2.00 pm After the meeting, the minutes will be available on the same webpage.

Any attendees who would like to raise specific topics or ask a question during the public participation section of the meeting can do so provided the District Council is notified in advance. This should be done via email to democratic.services@westoxon.gov.uk before 2pm on Friday 6 December.

Directly after the meeting there will be a public engagement session during which attendees can discuss topics directly with the Executive. The topic for discussion is net zero, exploring what it means and how it might be achieved in practice.

The public enagegement session will include a workshop led by the Low Carbon Hub on their CAPZero project. Residents can learn more about this in our article from October.

Supporting documents for the meeting and the engagement session will be published when available on this website: West Oxfordshire District Council - Agenda for Executive on Wednesday, 11th December, 2024, 2.00 pm

The ‘Executive on Tour’ programme has proved successful during 2024 and there are plans to continue this into 2025.



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