Eynsham Parish Council News

Get your covid and flu vaccinations 28 Aug 2024 Local vaccination clinics in October and November

Eynsham Parish Council has been advised by Eynsham Medical Group that they are running vaccinations clinics for covid and flu locally in October and November.

Patients who are eligible for covid and/or flu vaccinations will soon be contacted by the surgery via text message or letter. These people are being encouraged to follow the instructions they receive and book a slot at one of the upcoming vaccination clinics as soon as possible.

Generally, patients are eligible for these autumn vaccinations if they are aged 65 and over, a resident of an elderly care home, or aged between 6 months and 64 years and in one of the identified high-risk groups.

Vaccination clinics are currently planned to take place each Saturday from 5 October until 23 November at both Long Hanborough Surgery and Eynsham Medical Centre surgeries. (Please note that later dates may be subject to change.) The clinics will take place in the morning and patients will be able to get both vaccinations (for covid and flu) during one appointment.

If you don’t receive any communication but think you are eligible for these vaccinations – or for any general enquires about the vaccination clinics and booking an appointment – please contact bobicb-ox.emg.vaccine.enquiries@nhs.net


Volunteers wanted for vaccination clinics

Could you spare a few hours to volunteer at the vaccination clinics? Volunteers are required at both Eynsham and Long Hanborough surgeries to take on various tasks, such as welcoming patients in, registering them or marshalling the car park. No medical experience is required to volunteer. To express an interest or ask any questions about volunteering, please email bobicb-ox.emg.vaccine.enquiries@nhs.net.




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