Eynsham Parish Council News

Multiple road closures in September 19 Aug 2024 A number of temporary closures/restrictions that could impact travel for residents

Eynsham Parish Council has been informed of three temporary road closures that may impact local travel in September.

Firstly, there will be a temporary closure of Old Witney Road on 9-13 September, from 9.30am-3.30pm each day. This closure is to allow for the installation of traffic calming measures. Access to frontages will be available only, depending on the progress of the works.

There are two diagrams of Old Witney Road that can be reviewed below. These indicate the section to be closed and the location of the new speed cushions.

UPDATE 26 SEPT The work has been completed at Old Witney Road but some issues have been noted and are being investigated by Oxfordshire County Council. 

Secondly, a portion of Acre End Road will be closed from 24-25 September, 24 hours a day, to allow for Thames Water to complete essential carriageway reinstatement work. A map available to download below indicates the section of the road to be closed and highlights a suggested diversion route (via Witney Road, Spareacre Lane and Mill Street).  

Finally, a key road through South Leigh will be prohibited to goods vehicles in excess of 7.5 tonnes from September for two years in a bid to deter construction traffic. This prohibition order will be in place from 7 September until 30 September 2026, covering the anticipated time for completion of the A40 Green Shores Interchange Access to Witney scheme.

The roads that will have the weight restriction in place are marked on the image, which can be downloaded below.  

If we hear any further updates on these closures we will inform residents via this website.

UPDATE 26 Sept

An emergency, temporary closure of Back Lane came into force on 9 September for urgent sewer repair works. The closure will be in place from 10am-5pm each day until 4 October.

The section of Back Lane to be closed is marked on the map which can be downloaded below.



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