Eynsham Parish Council News

New footpath to Skatepark 1 Aug 2024 The creation of the new path will involve a 4-week closure of nearby car park

The Parish Council is pleased to announce that work will commence on Monday 5 August to create a new footpath connecting the car park at the north playing fields to Eynsham Skatepark.

This work has been funded by Balfour Beatty as part of the Eynsham Park & Ride Project. As local developers, they contribute funds to support local projects. 

To allow for the work to be completed, the car park at the north playing fields will be completely fenced off for up to four weeks. Access will only be available via the pedestrian gate on Oxford Road. 

We appreciate this closure may be a minor incovenience for residents, but the new footpath will further enhance our community assets. 

For those who are interested in learning to skateboard or improve their skills, find out more about coach Mario - who teaches at the skatepark - and his business Broken Boards in our previous news article


The Parish Council is pleased to announce that the new footpath is complete. 


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