Eynsham Parish Council News

What's co-option? 29 Jul 2024 Local expertise to support Council decisions

Not everyone who is passionate about local issues is able to commit to being a Councillor, yet may still want to use their experience, knowledge and expertise to help inform decisions and create positive change in our community.

The best option? Co-option!

The Parish Council has various committees that discuss specific areas – such as planning or transport. These committees undertake the Council’s projects and priorities through delegated powers. Local people can become co-opted ‘non-Councillors’ to join a committee, sharing their views to help the Councillors in discussions.

Ideally, a co-opted member would be someone with experience and expertise in the committee’s focus area. By contributing experience/knowledge on council matters, a co-opted member can provide insights and informed suggestions to help Councillors make the right decisions for the community.

How can I be ‘co-opted’?

Becoming a co-opted member of a committee is a similar process to becoming a Councillor. If a committee is of specific interest, we’d recommend attending a few meetings. Introduce yourself and your expertise to the committee, as well as Ross Macken (our Chair of the Council). The committee would then take your application to full Council for a vote.

Co-opted members must follow the same Code of Conduct as our Councillors; the same qualification criteria apply too (find these on our website). We also ask co-opted members to complete a Register of Interest form. However, co-opted members don’t usually have voting rights and don’t need to attend full Council meetings, unless they want to as a public participant.  

What do co-opted members have to do?

Co-opted members attend their regular committee meeting; these are held on weekday evenings in the Village Hall. Ahead of each meeting, agendas and supporting papers will be sent out to read and review in advance of the discussion.

What’s it like?

It can be very rewarding and interesting – a great fit for a certain type of person. Find out more from Jon Bright, a co-opted member of the Planning Committee, in his Q&A. To express an interest or ask any questions, contact epc.comms@eynsham-pc.gov.uk.




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