Eynsham Parish Council News

Eynsham pharmacy concerns 24 Jun 2022 The Parish Council has met with Lloyds Pharmacy to discuss residents’ concerns

In the past few months, residents have been frequently raising concerns about the service received at Lloyds Pharmacy in Eynsham.

While healthcare is not within the jurisdiction of the Parish Council, representing the needs of the community is. To help address some of the issues at the pharmacy and identify how we may be able to help solve them, the Council recently held a meeting with the key healthcare professionals involved.

Representatives from Lloyds Pharmacy and Eynsham Medical Centre were joined by West Oxfordshire District Councillor Andy Goodwin at the meeting. By getting all parties in the room, we were able to facilitate direct communication between the healthcare teams involved. Together, they discussed the challenges they faced and developed some solutions to tackle the issues. 

The notes from the meeting, which residents may find insightful, can be downloaded at the bottom of the page. While many of the actions will be handled by the healthcare professionals and their teams, the Council has offered to help the local Lloyds Pharmacy team create a Facebook page where weekly updates and helpful information will be shared. It’s hoped that this will keep residents informed about the situation at the pharmacy and enable them to plan their visit accordingly.  

The Council will also arrange a second meeting with all representatives in a months’ time to assess progress and consider how we can provide further help to remedy some of the challenges. We will update residents on the outcome of the second meeting via this website. We will also signpost the new Lloyds Pharmacy Eynsham Facebook page via our own Facebook page when it has been created.  



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